Sign up for Foundation updates!
Every donation, every dollar makes a difference.
Click the donate button below to make a donation in any amount.
Please save your Hy-Vee receipts, and submit those receipts to the Ray-Pec Public School Foundation. For every $200 spent, the Foundation receives $1.
Receipts can be submitted to any school or to the Ray-Pec Administrative Services Center; 21005 S. School Rd., Peculiar. You may also mail receipts to Raymore-Peculiar Public School Foundation; PO Box 789; Peculiar, MO 64078.
Show your school spirit by proudly displaying a yard sign sporting your favorite Ray Pec activity, sport, graduating year, or maybe you’re an alumni.
Sign includes:
Panther sign/stake/hardware
Personalized plaque holds up to 15 characters
A sign can hold up to 4 plaques at one time.
Change your plaques during the year depending on your students current activities.
We have several events throughout the year that provide opportunities for you to partner with, and help, the
Raymore-Peculiar Public School Foundation, while
marketing your business as well!
Foundation Golf Tournament -Annually on Columbus Day
- coupons, pens/pencils, notepads, cups, marketing items, etc. We are currently expecting 150 participants!!!
- raffle items or prizes for golfers - ANYTHING!
New Employees - Ongoing
The New Hire bags we did last year were a HUGE hit, so we are going to continue to give these to new hires throughout the year. - coupons, pens/pencils, notepads, cups, marketing items, etc. (need approximately 100-150 items)
Spring Gala - Annually in April
Our major FUNd raiser of the year is our Spring Gala. This is an opportunity for businesses and individuals to donate raffle items, sponsor a table, and attend and have fun.
MAD Dash - Annually in the Fall
Event sponsorship/dash pack items/volunteer opportunities.
You Matter Ray-Pec - Ongoing
Sponsorship opportunity/ branded promotional items/volunteer opportunities.
If you're able to partner with us in any way, please contact Jodie Huston:
THANK YOU for partnering with us to help Ray-Pec!
Friends of the Foundation
2024 Annual Campaign
Will you join us?
The Raymore-Peculiar Public School Foundation is a charitable organization that supports and celebrates excellence in education. The Foundation’s investment in our students is life-changing. We have the ability to offer financial support for educational opportunities that might not otherwise be possible.
The Foundation leads many initiatives.
Caring About Nutrition (CAN) - a backpack food program for students on weekends, teacher work days, and holidays.
Ray-Pec Cares - a system of care for students and families that provides access to school supplies, clothing, holiday meals, and other primary needs to foster successful and meaningful living.
#YouMatterRP - a youth mental wellness initiative that helps encourage students and families in their everyday lives.
District Partner Recognition - Each year we recognize individuals who advance our mission by honoring the Distinguished Alumni, Teacher of the Year, Support Staff Employee of the Year, and Partners in Education.
To sustain these initiatives, we need your help.
The Foundation is funded through private donations from individuals and local businesses, fundraising events, and partnership activities that enhance education for Raymore-Peculiar students.
We invite you to join our 2024 Friends of the Foundation Annual Campaign.
For questions, contact: Jodie Huston -