Apply now for a Classroom Impact Grant!
The Raymore-Peculiar Public School Foundation invites teachers and staff to request grants of $50 to $750 to supplement the classroom and provide ways to enhance teaching and learning. Grant requests should impact student achievement.
The deadline to submit an application is Sept. 30, 2019.
Who is eligible to submit an application for consideration? Individual employees, groups, or teams of employees can submit a grant application.
If the request is technology-related, the Technology Department must approve the request (via email to Ryan Gooding) before it is submitted to the Foundation.
Grants will be considered by a Committee; presented to the Foundation Board; and awarded after that. Grant funds are to be used during the 2019-2020 school year. All money shall be expended and used by Jan.31, 2020. A summary report/evaluation of the awarded projects must be submitted to Jodie Huston by March 2 or sooner.
The Foundation's mission is to enhance educational opportunities for the benefit of students, staff, and the community.